Checking Scene Performance

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In order to check the performance of your scene the best tool to view this is the Diagnostics Window, you can open this by pressing Ctrl + D, this will you show you a number of useful bits of information including the frame rate (displayed as hz), Cull/Draw, Prims and Models currently being drawn and Memory Usage among others.

If you are seeing a low number in the timings then your scene will be performing poorly, ideally you want your scene running at 60hz, though anything above 30 will be acceptable when using a headset. If you are not using a headset you may not see smooth movement below 30hz and it may be somewhat jittery.

The cull/draw refers to the two main time consuming tasks that the computer has to do when rendering the 3D scene. The cull is figuring out what objects can be ignored as they aren't able to be seen, the draw is instructing the GPU which objects need to be rendered. The numbers by the cull/draw shows the time taken to complete these tasks in milliseconds. If you are seeing that the cull is taking a long time it will be worth using Overlapped Culling to see if this improves performance.

Batches shows the number of commands to draw a mesh that have been issued to the GPU, this means it's the number of meshes in all of the visible objects in the scene, however it is then reduced when instancing is used to draw multiple copies of a mesh in one command, you can refer to Instancing Geogroups to try and lower your number of batches.

For further information on the Diagnostics window you can refer to the Visionary Render Manual by pressing F1 in the application.

To learn techniques to improve your scene performance please see the following pages:

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