
Virtual reality for training

Unlock the full potential of your workforce with effective and accessible immersive training

A screenshot of Virtalis Visionary Render software that is being used for an immersive training scenario.

Your teams up-to-date all the time


Improved Retention


Faster Required
Knowledge Gained


Training Cost


Training Time

Benefits for training & education

Easily handle ever-changing products and many product variants

Reduce costs and delays

Employees are trained faster, at lower costs, safer and more compliant. Products not yet built, hazardous environments unsuitable for the inexperienced, and far off remote locations - all brought to life early for your trainees.

Updates available right away  

Virtalis Reach ensures that you maintain control over what information is available. Users do not need to download files locally, ensuring that sensitive data is controlled and out of date information isn’t left in circulation.

Shorter production lead-times

Get production teams up to speed early for faster manufacturing ramp-up, leading to earlier product delivery.

Increase employee engagement

Enable learning by experience through interaction with virtual versions of a facility or product in collaboration with colleagues. Virtual Reality based training consistently demonstrates higher knowledge retention rates compared with traditional alternatives.

Prepare for extreme events in a virtual environment

Use VR to train teams on how to react to serious incidents. Rehearse team interactions or individual responses.  Easily adjust scenario parameters for a new situations each time to provide a more complete training experience.

Reduced operational risk

Reduced risk of costly production errors and down-time. Reduced risk of environmental issues caused by inexperienced staff. Less risk of costly, time-consuming, and potentially reputation-damaging safety incidents.

Unlock XR superpowers for your organisation

Request a demo
Patrick Hallihan
Senior Training and Engineering Instructor at National Grid

“We can even show it at 1:1 scale, to teach students how it works without having to climb to the top of a utility pole.”

Adrian Webster Layout Planning Engineer at Siemens Congleton

"It is intuitive and anyone can get the hang of it quickly to navigate around the model, so I can help people visualise their new working environments."

Case studies

Read more about how some of our customers use visualisation to overcome their challenges.

our products

Create immersive training without writing any code using our intuitive and easy to use interface

Bring all your digital assets together in one immersive experience

Our products
Animation ProductsAnimation ProductsAnimation ProductsAnimation ProductsAnimation ProductsAnimation ProductsAnimation ProductsAnimation Products