Why we won an ISE Best of Show Award

Our multi-point of view interactive VR experience, delivered in partnership with SiliconCore on its 1.9mm XR LED Display at ISE 2024, was awarded an ISE Best of Show Award by Future’s AV Technology publication.

Here’s some of the reasons why:

World first

This marked the first time a multi-point of view interactive VR experience has been created on SiliconCore’s 1.9mm XR LED Display, and we have also achieved it on pixel pitches as fine as 1.2mm. 

This is a huge step forward in crafting fully immersive environments on LED displays where multiple users can interact with the complex datasets in real time, tracked from their own unique perspective. 

Technology innovation

SiliconCore’s LED technology was crucial to achieving this, made possible by the fast clock speeds and 240Hz frame rate through its proprietary Common Cathode driver chip innovation.

Each viewer sees the data aligned with a different frequency, meaning they can be exploring the same dataset but tracked from their physical position, or a different dataset entirely, depending on the use case and desired experience.

Proprietary software

Utilising our proprietary VR software Visionary Render to power the backend of the dataset, we were able to introduce multiple users in the same tracked space with different environments overlaid and synchronised to each alternative frequency to interact in real time.

The best partners 

In addition to SiliconCore, we used an ART tracking system and Volfoni active 3D glasses to bring the complex datasets to life and deliver the real time tracking.

Next generation user experience

MPOV experiences on LED walls will transform the experience for design review workflows, simulation and experiential learning delivering cross platform collaboration in real time. The benefits include reductions in time to market, increases in right-first-time design and manufacture while enabling seamless collaboration across the supply chain without restricting people’s view of the physical world with a VR headset, allowing for greater collaboration.

But don’t take our word for it, here’s what the judges had to say: 

“The partnership between SiliconCore and Virtalis is one of the most exciting examples of how AV can improve complex business product development in the VR realm.”

Read more about why LED is now rivalling projection to create immersive VR environments

Why we won an ISE Best of Show Award

This post was certified by Virtalis on Feb 20, 2024 and last updated on Feb 20, 2024

Review: This article is well-researched and provides valuable information.